About Us
「ESH④all」 is a knowledge-based platform that introduces 'goods and services' related to environment, safety, and health. 「ESH④all」 is managed by the Korea Institute of Environment and Health(KIEH, www.goodguide.co.kr). 「ESH④all」 is not an online shopping mall.
The introduction of goods is performed independently by the KIEH based on objective criteria. These criteria include expert opinions, scientific validity, objective information, certification information, recall information, user experience, sales volume, and consumer ratings. Additionally, among similar products, those selected as 'Best Seller' or 'Amazon Choice' on Amazon online shopping mall are given priority. If readers purchase
the goods introduced, 「ESH④all」 receives commissions from the affiliated partners without any additional charge to the readers.
「ESH④all」 will continuously strive to make our activities helpful to readers in times of crisis, to protect the environment and to promote health. Thank You!